Welcome to TFA Academy
I acknowledge you for deciding to work on your leadership development, individually and also at work for your business. My partners and I are interested to support you on your leadership journey.
This website runs on the Simplero platform and it complements our main site TransformationFirst.Asia. This academy website lets you purchase access to our training, coaching, and mentoring services.
Making Appointments
I love to hear from you about your leadership work. You are welcome to write me anytime you have questions and feedback, at support@transformationfirst.asia.
Making an appointment for a call with me is easy too. Just click here https://coachwouter.acuityscheduling.com/ to choose the appointment type, set the day and time, and answer some questions that help to prepare for the call.
For the time being, there are two appointment types, and they are both free of charge. If you have decided to invest in leadership training, coaching, or mentoring, and you want to know if we will be a good fit, then make an appointment to Meet Coach Wouter First.
If you already in my 'Tribe' of leaders who receive the weekly leadership insights, you are also welcome to make an appointment for getting Your Question Answered.
Work In All Colors
Currently our training focus is on influencing, using the Work In All Colors method. Scroll down to see more information about it, and to access the two courses.
Coaching and Mentoring
Please contact me (email or appointment) if you are interested in individual coaching or mentoring.
Work In All Colors
Decoding the Language of Your Audience
Focus on Influencing
Check out here how you can boost your influencing skills with the Work In All Colors course.
You can choose two versions: The Full Version and a version for Self-Directed Learning.
Both versions give you access to a comprehensive set of training modules with exercises to help you decode your audiences and learn how influence them by speaking to their heart.
The Full Version also gives you access to a personal ValueScan assessment to discover your own worldview and preferred communication styles, and to a private one-to-one session with Coach Wouter to discover the reasons for your ValueScan results.
Sit back as Coach Wouter explains what the course is all about in this mini webinar on influencing.
Individual or Team?
You want to take the course by yourself? Start now!
You want your whole team or division to boost their influencing skills? Then use the option to purchase the course for multiple participants and provide their names and emails in the checkout page. Up to thirty participants can be registered in a single purchase.
Contact us at support@transformationfirst.asia
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